Gay marriage in spanish translate

That's why I said "It is bigotry" not "you are a bigot. Edit: And it's not hypocritical, either. If I was telling you that it was wrong to be straight, that you had to marry a man, then I would be a bigot for saying so. I'm not. I'm saying people should let other people do what they want with each other instead of telling them what they can and cannot do. In case anyone is wondering at this point, I'm straight. There are many children without a mother or father.

Well, there you have it, then.

That is another subject. And a deadly one. Whether one likes it or not. If it is "legal" or not that's another subject. That is fact. Other "people" try to keep people disinformed about the harm they generate to your body and your mind and spirit. So "do drugs" is a "cool thing". Anyone can do their "propaganda".

9 Ways My Village has Changed My Perspective on Life, Foreva’.

Fact is "drugs kill". I have known victims and survivors. The "survivors" will not recommend you any use of any drugs. Starting with alcohol, crack But that is an entire whole subject It has to do with "freedom". But "freedom" cannot exist without "responsibility" and "control".

Ignorance is the source of bigotry. Knowledge on the other hand allows one to choose the best solution to any problem. I respect any and all religions. I respect the agnostics and the atheists. I respect myself too. And I know like everyone else I have prejudices. Then again, I must be "prejudiced" for "survival" and against death and destruction. I recognize it's a peculiarity in some quarters where war and destruction seem to be the best "solution". But I am veering off towards a discussion on Ethics and Morals two separate subjects as "Ethics" is a personal thing, while "Morals" is what a particular society says it's right or wrong.

Although probably the dictionaries will not support that, directly, as they have confused both terms.

Anyone speak spanish ???

At any rate. I take I practiced some English here. I personally was very surprised when in Spain the gay marriage got legalized I don't think it will happen in Italy, though, I may be wrong. In the future, I take computer-robots will be able to join their careers to create a better matrix generated life What, marriage is worthless? It's like a corporation, and it certainly discourages people from abandoning each other.

Spanish translation: Maggie's Statement to the Argentinians - NOM Blog

If they do, there's a big price to pay. It's a trust and bond, and very much a part of human civilization, and absolutely essential to the stability of the middle class. If there is no marriage, the person who owns the property could kick out a devoted partner on a whim with no legal reprocussions. There's a reason the institution of marriage hasn't evaporated, and why some fight for it. Get real. I guess planet Earth needs such a contract Otherwise, when Tiger Woods divorces, his ex-wife will be "out in the street" And people with less means, would fight for who keeps the "stereo set" or the "5.

It could get real messy. My viewpoint is that we have "a society" which is changing. There are facts, there are realities, and there are rules. The rules not always cover all the facts and situations in life. Some rules are stupid, and some are useful.

I'm So Humble

There are couples which are not married and could care less, as they trust each other. Then after 20 years, they "legalize" their relationship. There are couples that marry and they are divorced a week later.

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De todo hay en la viña del Señor. JPablo: I don't mean to be rude by saying this, but I believe you might want to look up the definition of what a drug is. It's not just heroin, cocaine, etc. It's caffeine, nicotine, aspirin, and more. The level of harm each do must be evaluated individually, and not lumped together in a single category. They both have strict anti-drug attitudes when it comes to their personal lives and who they choose to be with.

Penn Jillette himself has never even taken a sip of alcohol. I don't want to hijack this thread, so if the mods think it should be a new one then it can be created. If they think it should be dropped, I'm perfectly fine with that too. All I ask is that if the discussion takes place it be done with very specific, accurate and precise terminology.

To say "I don't like drugs" is very vague, as is "Drugs kill" etc. I understand that English is my native language and not yours, and for that I apologize if my reply seems an overreaction to a misunderstanding of the word "drug"; even more so because many native speakers of English seem to associate "drug" only with illegal narcotics.

Most people are also uninformed about the specific effects of different drugs. I've said many times, there are a great number of drugs which are very bad for people and that no-one should take. I just wouldn't lock them up for it any more than I'd lock them up for drinking alcohol which can be very harmful to the body or smoking a cigarette which I think we all know kills a ridiculous number of people.

Again, I hope this clears up my point of view. I try to be very specific in my statements, but it is obvious that I err as easily as the next person. My definitions are often not as clear as I'd like them to be. People misunderstand my point of view, and I know it is usually my own fault not theirs.

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I can get very vehement during an argument. But, however it may seem at the time, I do not hold personal grudges because of it. To me, a particular topic is just that: a topic. I can insult the subject matter without, in my eyes, meaning to insult the person who is forwarding the view. But I know, sadly, that many people including myself at times will take insult nonetheless when the ideas they believe in are questioned.

I should try to be more understanding of what a person may feel based on my opinion about their ideas.

same-sex marriage

In that light, I apologize to Esperar if what I said struck you as rude. I was attempting to be strictly factual, but the language I used may nonetheless have read as hostile. I think I'll discontinue discussion of this subject. It would be for the best, I believe. Please let me remind you all that confrontation and off-topics should be avoided as much as possible, in order to keep threads like this open to discussion. We all can express our ideas and convictions in a friendly and polite manner, so the relationship between users won't interfere with the forums objective, which is language learning.

Well, as long as we understand each other and clarify our views, as you said before a Voltaire attributed citation, I believe I commented somewhere in this forum "I will defend to death your right to have and state your opinion" even if I don't agree with it Or words to that effect.

I know the real story of a guy who started to take ARSENIC of all things a poison, in very small amounts, to a point where he trained his body to endure and resist that poison. So, no one could "kill him" with that "weapon". The factor here was his knowledge that allowed him to take that "harmful poison" for his benefit. Mohamed Ali, when preparing for a fight in Manila, I believe, made the media and Foreman believe he was going to be dancing and "tiring" Foreman during the combat. What he did instead, is he prepared himself for the fight, but receiving daily "poundings" all along his torso and abs, to such a point that the heavy pounding by Foreman had no-effect on him.

So by the 8 round, and having Foremand pretty tired of pounding on him, he knocked him out. I believe I mentioned this in some other thread, so sorry if I repeat myself. I know if Foreman pounded me once, I would be knocked out right then and there. If I drink now a glass I'd be drunk after I know people who are gay, and I know people who simply can't stand a gay, and consider it completely unnatural and "aberrated". I may consider that gay people have a problem unto themselves, both in the physical aspect, as in the mental If "gay marriage" is legal in your country or state or not, its a jurisprudence matter.

Laws change. In many cases there are political or pseudo-political reasons to promote a cause. There are more important problems in this planet.
