Top gay bars in madrid

Attack 3. The original dungeon, full bar, chill-out area, dark room, booths and play zones. Welcome to Attack madrid. The Cage 3. Tu local para cada día, copas a buen precio y el mejor ambiente, sólo o con amigos. The Ring 4. Open Wednesdays through Sundays. Strong Center 4. Dancing, darkrooms and dudes, The best nightclub with dark largest room in Madrid where you can find everything you are looking for. Hot 4. The bear bars in Chueca!! The staff are fantastic and HOT!

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A must go for any bear foraging in Madrid. Meeting point for Bears, Chubs, Daddies, and Admirers. Ohm Dance Club 3. Into The Tank 3. Sala Arena 3. The main room at the bottom has a capacity for over 1, people, scenery and reserved area, the room on the top floor Two traditional rooms that now incorporate new sounds, culture club, electro-pop, psychedelic rock, hip hop, indie, and sessions of the most renowned djs of the music scene of the time.

Madrid Hotels and Places to Stay

All Fridays and some Saturdays Dos salas que se organizan Filter By:. Drag Queens. Ages Happy Hour. Trans Nights. Drag Shows. Bondage Events. Dress Code Events.

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Cabaret Shows. Comedy Shows. Live Music. Go-Go Boys. WiFi Internet. Free Condoms. Porn Movies.

Dancing Area. Dark Room. Play Area. Smoking Area. Smoke Free. Outdoor Patio. Country Western.

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Cruise Bar. Leather Bar.

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  • Bares de cruising gay en Madrid | Madrid Gay Experiences!
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Party Club. After Hours. Sport Bar. Wine Bar. Piano Bar. Many gay bars in Madrid have a Happy Hour until , mostly 2x1: you pay for 1 drink and you receive a voucher for a 2nd drink for later on when you finished your 1st drink usually 2x1 is not intended for sharing between two people. Local custom requires an aperitif or appetizer before dinner, and then a coffee afterwards — but no one says that everything has to be consumed in the same establishment. Liquid is a video bar and located at Barbieri 7, is not huge or flashy, but in Madrid it stands out from the tiny bars that are dotted around most Chueca.

Strong Center is the largest dark room in Europe at Veneras Trujillos, 7. Pop in for a drink at Why Not? San Bartolom? LL Bar has a great drag show starting between If you're looking for a place where you can have a good dance, then there are many gay discos available. Escape is a good place to start, as it has a friendly atmosphere, good crowd, and tasteful music. Like we said, most clubs and bars have cruising areas, but in terms of dedicated cruising clubs with everything you can think of, here are your options:.

Here is a full guide to getting to the gay beach in Torremolinos. For a small coastal town this is huge! Expect pool parties, beach parties and club parties that are going to take you through until 7am in the morning.

Eventos relacionados | Related events

We have been to Torremolinos a couple of times — sleep is a luxury! In they will be celebrating their 10 th year. Find our more at Delice Dream. TLF began in and has now become one of the best known leather and fetish festivals in Europe with about attendees each year. They run the main week in April and then also have some pre-parties in October. We were here during October and it was still really busy! TLF runs events every night across all the different cruising bars and clubs. A whole week of pool, beach and club parties dedicated to the bear crowd.

GAY MADRID Travel Guide, Gay Pride Madrid

This event happens once a year in August and you can find out more on their website. Apollo Gay Sauna Torremolinos also gets involved with some of the gay events in Torremolinos and held an event this year for the TLF festival. Address: Avd. Carlota Alessandri, Edf.

Top Los mejores antros y bares gay en la CDMX

From popular student hangouts and gay bars to the best clubs and live music venues. Carrer De Muntaner, 63, Barcelona. Arena Madre in Barcelona.. Avenida Palma De Mallorca 18, Torremolinos. We could walk everywhere and always felt safe. The owner was helpful in.
