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  • Gay bars in Andalucia, gay cubs Costa del Sol, Spain..

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Un trato exquisito, los empleados encantadores, un lugar maravilloso para pasar un buen rato. The place is is nice and clean, for the most part, it would be better if they changed the water in t I went yesterday and the water smelled like spunk and was kind of thick with who knows what other body fluids and chlorine. I would not dip a toe in the water unless I take a massive dose of antibiotics as prevention.

Last year they were shut down by the local public health agency for that reason, if they do not do anything about the hot tubs they may shut down again. So go and enjoy, but for your own health's sake stay away from the hot tubs.

Ocho muertos en un brutal asalto a una sauna gay

Lo peor: los sitios de agua, necesita un jacuzzi mayor, otra sala de duchas mas discreta y una piscina, lo mejor, tiene doble piso, espaciosa, la atención del persona es exquisita y se esfuerzan por dar el mejor servicio. Estan muy pendiente de la limpieza e higiene del local y los precios son inmejorables. Most popular place to start your evening and meet other guys. Cosy friendly bar with good music. Big music bar with dance floor. Men's Bar Nogalera Big sexy place, porn videos, big darkroom. Porquoi Pas?


Customers who know each other since 60's. Teteria Albanta Pueblo Blanco Lesbian place, very cosy. Hours: 10pm to 5am. Catedral Cuesta del Rosario 12, Very friendly inviting place mixed crowd old and young not all gay. Karaoke every saturday night. Search Hotels in Andalucia. Imagine spending the night in a Spanish castle, or how would you like to stay in an ancient monastery or a convent?

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The major international Car rental companies have offices in most Andalucian cities and at the major airports such as Malaga Airport. Search Andalucia. Gay Andalucía - Gay Bars.

El Veinte Calle Canovas del Castillo 27, Kiss Carretera de Almaden. El Zoo Moras 2 -- behind the Fuente de la Batalla. Hours: 11pm-6am. Dutch owned Contacto week-ends Nogalera Knows for its drag shows Crash week-ends Nogalera Bears, porn videos Cruising Nogalera next to Pueblo Blanco Drag queens every night D'Lirio week-ends Nogalera Small rather sexy bar with darkroom El Gato Daily Nogalera Biggest gay terace, trendy lounge and good food.

Mostly women. Plaza del Teatro Memory Calle Fernan Caballero 6, Poseidon Calle Marques de Parades 30, Valentino Marques de Parads Isbiliya Paseo de Colón 2. Show only available hotels.

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