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Así que a partir de ahora todo lo que venga va a ser de lo mejorcito, que ya sabemos lo que gusta en Ibiza despedirse del verano por todo lo alto. No te enteres tarde: visita su web y reserva tu entrada cuanto antes. Amnesia closing. Si alguna de ellas se encuentra entre tus favoritas, no tardes en reservar tu suite en Ibiza Sun Apartments y ve caminando a Hï Ibiza: tan sólo un corto paseo te separa de Hï Ibiza y Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel.

Los cierres anunciados son:.

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Fiesta de cierre de Cafe Mambo. Y si necesitas ayudas para conseguir tus entradas al mejor precio una vez te encuentres en Ibiza Sun Apartments, comunícaselo a nuestro personal en recepción: estaremos encantados de ayudarte. English Español Deutsch. Discover our concept of accommodation and fun, a modern and innovative space located in the city centre of Palma de Mallorca. Avantgarde, cosmopolitan, urban, bold, unique Hotel, Disco Pub, Gay Sauna and Terrace Aries, placed in the city center of Palma de Mallorca, in the middle of the gay area next to Gomila Square, the very central starting point withing walking distance to visit the city or to enjoy the beach.

Subscribe to our newsletter. Get travel-related ideas and promotions. There's only one more step left. Check your e-mail and complete the subscription to the newsletter. Skip to main content. Porras, 3, Palma, Spain See on map Show on the map. Book now. TripAdvisor Score Based on 29 reviews. Ibiza se prepara para convertirse en referente de sostenibilidad y responsabilidad a través de la plataforma Ibiza Sostenible que promueve los objetivos de Naciones Unidas para Dentro del calendario programado para destacan eventos como Ibiza Plogging, que combina la actividad física con la recogida de residuos.

Una iniciativa pionera en la que ya han participado 1. Sustainable Ibiza brings together individuals, enterprises and institutions to position the island as a leader in sustainability and responsibility.

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The calendar of events programmed for includes, for example, Ibiza Plogging, which combines physical activity with waste collection. This is a pioneering initiative in which 1, people have already taken part through bicycle races, hiking and walks, with the backing of over 30 entities and sports clubs. It is formed by two sculptures created from trash.

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Durante todo el año, Bes Travel propone actividades que muestran el patrimonio, la esencia y la historia local. Iniciativas que pretenden situar Ibiza a la vanguardia de la sostenibilidad y la creatividad, fomentando la economía justa, el desarrollo sostenible y el respeto a las personas y la naturaleza. Together with sculptures of an Ibizan warren hound and of a blossoming almond tree, this work of art may seen in various places in Ibiza until October of All these initiatives seek to position Ibiza in the forefront of sustainability and responsibility, working to foster the fair economy, sustainable development, and respect for people and nature.

Aquí erigieron y defendieron sus templos romanos, musulmanes y cristianos. A mediados del siglo XVI, Felipe II ordenó el refuerzo defensivo de Ibiza y la construcción del extraordinario entramado de murallas y baluartes, que en fue reconocido por.

La vieja capital fenicia abierta al mar condensa en Dalt Vila, murallas adentro, 27 siglos de historia. Desde arriba, las vistas al puerto y a Formentera son espectaculares. En Dalt Vila también se encuentra la catedral gótica y la antigua Almu-. Bajo las murallas, en las calles del antiguo barrio de pescadores de Sa Penya, en La Marina, el puerto, en el céntrico bulevar de Vara de Rey, en las principales avenidas o en la burbujeante Plaza del Parque se concentra la actividad comercial, administrativa y de ocio.

Here civilisations erected and defended their Roman, Muslim and Christian temples. In the midth century, Philip II of Spain ordered the defensive reinforcement of Ibiza, and the construction of the extraordinary network of walls and bastions that. The old Phoenician capital, opening out to the sea, condenses 27 centuries of history within the walls of Dalt Vila.

It is a peaceful journey to the past, essential for understanding the origins of the island. Contemplating the panoramic view of the sea at the foot of the cathedral or the old Town Hall is a moving experience indeed.

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TheRenaissancearchitectureand its romantic cobbled streets are an invitation to stroll within its walls. From above, the views of the port and of Formentera are spectacular. Dalt Vila is also where the Gothic cathedral is found, and the ancient. Las iglesias de Sant Llorenç y Sant Miquel, en cuyo entorno se celebran exhibiciones de baile tradicional, son un ejemplo de la arquitectura tradicional ibicenca.

A destacar

La riqueza patrimonial de este. También resulta muy interesante un recorrido por las cuevas de Can Marçà, en el Port de Sant Miquel, un tesoro de la naturaleza escondido durante This is the least-populated and northernmost municipality on the island, and also the most rural and traditional one, with the most pristine nature: ideal for anyone seeking a relaxed holiday.

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Sant Joan de Labritja is set in the geographical zone of Es Amunts, where Ibizan traditions are the most deeply-rooted, amongst pine trees and valleys of fertile red earth. The churches of Sant Llorenç and Sant Miquel, around which traditional dance exhibitions are held, are an example of traditional Ibizan architecture.

One recommended visit is the cave of Es Cuieram, near Sant Vicent, where the bust of the Phoenician goddess Tanith was found which protects Ibiza and is another symbol fo the island. A trip to the caves of Can Marçà, in the Port of Sant Miquel, is also extremely interesting — a natural treasure that remained hidden for , years. Por su parte, la cala de Sant Vicent o los arenales de Portinatx son ideales para familias y niños. For its part, the cove of Sant Vicent or the sands of Portinatx are ideal for families and children. It can be observed during the village festivals and in the celebrations held in churches and beside fountains and wells, a tradition that has survived.

En este municipio se encuentran los pueblecitos de Santa Gertrudis y Sant Carles. Santa Eulària, conocida como la Villa del Río, tiene merecida fama por su tranquilidad, un hermoso paseo marítimo y un turismo predominantemente familiar e interesado por la cultura. Aquí se encuen-.

En el municipio de Santa Eulària se encuentra Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera, un punto de encuentro muy popular para ir a comer o cenar. Otra visita recomendable es Sant Carles de Peralta, al norte. A esta zo-. Puig de Missa is the emblematic heritage complex of Villa del Río. The villages of Santa Gertrudis and Sant Carles are in this municipality. Santa Eulària, known as Villa del Río, has a well-deserved reputation for tranquillity, a beautiful seafront promenade and predominantly family and cultural tourism.

In this regard, the church and urban nucleus of Puig de Missa are jewels worth discovering. Another recommendable trip is to Sant Carles de Peralta, in the north. This is the area the first hippies came to, and perhaps this is why one still breathes an air of culture, colour and freedom here. El ambiente en la plaza peatonal y la animación de los bares conforman una atmósfera relajada, ajena al bullicio del sur de Ibiza.

This tranquil inland village, traditionally devoted to farming, has become one of the most delightful rural towns on the island.

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The atmosphere in the pedestrian square and. It is famous for its ham sandwiches, but also has a wide variety of bars and restaurants serving both local and international cuisine. La contemplación de la puesta de sol es un paso previo para disfrutar de la noche en célebres locales y discotecas. El patrimonio cultural de Sant Antoni también es variado y sorprendente.

Merece la pena descubrir el centro cultural de Sa Punta des Molí, al final del paseo. Sant Antoni de Portmany, where the sunset is a wonder indeed, is nestled in a beautiful bay. The music of the bars and restaurants in the area of Caló des Moro and Ses Variades attracts thousands of people every year.
