Gay sauna madrid bear

Friday 10 am to Sunday 12 am, uninterrupted. Valid for 24 hours, one access per sauna.

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Special Massage. Keep an eye out for our promotions, free tickets, prize draws and parties! Blog Salud sexual 5 consejos para mejorar la salud sexual El sexo saludable no es aburrido. Al revés. We are open days of the year, Monday to Thursday from 10 in the morning to midnight, and continuously at weekends from 10 in the morning on Fridays to midnight on Sundays. It is completely prohibited to smoke in the sauna premises. Anyone found violating the ban will be removed immediately.

Madrid Gay Sauna

We are extremely belligerent with regard to the consumption of drugs on our premises. If anyone consumes drugs and is caught they will likewise be removed.

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Entry gives you the right to a locker, two towels, a pair of flip-flops, a condom, and the use and enjoyment of all our facilities. We offer a relaxing massage service daily which has to be booked in advance by calling reception by phone. We also offer free WIFI, daily newspapers, the sale of condoms and lubricants at reception, and a bar service.

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  • Sauna madrid gay!
  • No, you can buy the tickets directly at the machine in the bar. No, once you leave the premises you cannot re-enter with the same ticket.

    We also give you a condom. You can get more condoms and lubricant at our reception, but, of course, you can bring them yourself too. Sauna Octopus is a sauna aimed at all types of bear and chaser and our clientele is diverse. We recommend calling Sauna Octopus directly by phone to ask about certain times.

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    No, clothes and street shoes must be left in the lockers. The facilites can only be accesed with the towel and flip-flops we provide or the swimwear you decide to wear. We are located in one of the most central areas of Madrid and parking can be difficult which is why we recommend coming via public transport or taxi. Skip to content. Churruca 10 Madrid 45 17 Bear Space. Enjoy your visit even more in the hands of our expert masseurs and the pleasure of a relaxing massage. El barrio ha sido siempre feudo de lesbianas , que tuvieron allí templos como los desaparecidos Medea y El Mojito.

    En la zona alta del barrio existen desde hace tiempo varios bares y saunas dirigidos exclusivamente al colectivo gay , como el Attack Bar , donde hay ligoteo. Los domingos es el escenario de una mini Chueca en la castiza calle Calatrava , con bares míticos como La Sixta , El Perla o El Atril , que en las fiestas de La Paloma toman las calles para delirio del gay fiestero. - Patroc Madrid Guía Gay

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