Gay district valencia spain

This is a perfect place asthere are hardly any neighbours. Therefore, the problems of noise pollution are not so important here as in El Carmen and this is one of the reasons for its long and successful life. Deseo has just celebrated its 13th anniversary. It was a fabulous party, the disco was packed, as usual, and the ambiance was special with an atmosphere of an important event.

Disco Deseo 54, the queen of the gay night in Valencia

All the gogo dancers were dressed for the special occasion, and so were the barmen, always with a smile on their faces. The disco has got two large counters on the ground floor, where all the shows were performed on a central scaffold, while there is another counter, a smaller one, on the first floor, an isolated and more restricted area with a different kind of music, Pop, Spanish and all-time hits.

Podcast special - Living in Valencia, Spain

The entry price depends on many factors: whether there is an important party or celebration, the time you arrive at the disco or if you have registered previously on some of the lists. Therefore, it can oscillate between 8 or ten euros to twenty, on very special occasions. Besides, with your entry ticket you have got a right to one or even more drinks. Deseo 54 is a place that I would recommend for all those people who love good music and a great atmosphere to dance, have fun and, who knows, maybe also meet someone special.

Demetrio Ribes, el arquitecto que creó la Estación del Norte de Valencia El aeropuerto de Castellón pone en marcha la nueva ruta a Londres-Luton con una El cine del Centre del Carme reivindica a las mujeres cineastas Pulse aquí para ver los foros abiertos.

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