Nhom chat khi gay hieu ung nha kinh

Los idiomas aceptados son el español e inglés. Revista Gestión y Ambiente. Apartado Aéreo: Seleccionar Idioma English Español Colombia. Palabras clave Ambiente Biodiversidad Colombia Colombia. Ecología política Gestión ambiental SIG Vulnerabilidad ambiente calidad del agua conflictos ambientales conservación crisis ambiental educación ambiental educación superior gestión ambiental humedales impacto ambiental indicadores sustentabilidad vulnerabilidad.

Indexada y registrada en:. La interrelación rural-urbana en espacios de interfase como planteamiento para la cohesión territorial Rural-urban Interrelation in Interface Spaces as an Approach for Territorial Cohesion. Raquel I. Resultados de las escuelas - School Level Survey Results.

El personal del Distrito Escolar de Westminster y yo estamos trabajando diligentemente para crear una mejor experiencia en el otoño para todos nuestros estudiantes. El primer día de clases es el día 2 de septiembre de Esperamos con entusiasmo su regreso para el año escolar Coronavirus Update 11 - May 26, May 26, I hope this message finds you and your family safe, healthy and happy! We have been planning for our end of the year activities to ensure that we have a smooth transition into summer break.

Due to COVID, end of the year events along with our promotions and graduations will look different this year. We have come up with creative ways to celebrate students and make their final visit to their school campus safe and productive. For our 8th graders leaving to high school next year, each of our middle schools will be creating a virtual celebration and will be given a personalized banner keepsake.

As for our 5th and 6th graders who will be promoting to middle school, each elementary school will be celebrating their success in a variety of ways, which is unique to their school. Principals will be sharing details with you in the coming weeks as we continue to move forward adhering to the health agency guidelines. Please rest assured that all students will receive promotion certificates and awards for the last quarter.

Also, please look for an important reopening schools survey that will be sent you this coming week as we plan for school opening in the fall. To better understand your thoughts and needs on distance learning, programs and services, we ask that you complete this survey. We value your feedback and the information we gather will be used to help us make an informed decision.

I am extremely grateful to all of the WSD families and wish to thank you for your understanding and flexibility during this unique time. Our WSD staff and I are committed to ensuring a smooth transition into the summer and fall opening. Sincerely, Dr. Hemos estado planeando nuestras actividades de fin de año escolar para asegurarnos de que tengamos una transición sin contratiempos a las vacaciones de verano. Hemos ideado maneras creativas para celebrar a los estudiantes y hacer que su visita final al plantel escolar sea segura y productiva.

Para nuestros estudiantes de 8. En cuanto a nuestros estudiantes de 5. Para comprender mejor sus opiniones y necesidades sobre los programas, servicios y aprendizaje a distancia, les pedimos que completen esta encuesta. Nuestro personal y yo estamos comprometidos en garantizar una transición sin contratiempos para recibir el verano y apertura del ciclo escolar en el otoño.

Coronavirus Update 10 - May 5, Most recently, Governor Newsom discussed reopening schools as soon as July to mitigate the loss of learning for all students during the months of school closure due to coronavirus pandemic. Currently, the State Superintendent announced that he is working with groups of leaders from throughout California and the nation in order to study the measures that must be in place before determining whether schools can safely re-open in July. If we receive any updated information, we will share them with you.


In the meantime, please continue to take care of yourselves and family by practicing social distancing and keeping good hygiene to help flatten the curve. We are all in this together and we will get through this! Estimados miembros del personal y comunidad del Distrito Escolar de Westminster:. Espero que cuando reciban este mensaje ustedes y sus familias se encuentren bien y sanos.

Health Services

Recientemente, el gobernador Newsom habló sobre la reapertura de las escuelas tan pronto como el mes de julio para mitigar la pérdida de aprendizaje para todos los estudiantes durante los meses del cierre de las escuelas, debido a la pandemia del Coronavirus. Atentamente, Dra. Coronavirus Update 9 - April 17, April 17, I hope you had a nice Spring Break.

On Tuesday, April 21st, remote learning for all students will begin again.

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As we continue to live through these unprecedented times, COVID has impacted numerous aspects of our daily lives from education to employment to social relationships. Particularly during these times, we see the courage and love of the first responders, and in our district, our nutrition services workers, teachers, staff and parents who are serving our community. We are all in this together and I sincerely appreciate your patience, understanding, kindness and support. At this time, according to Governor Newsom, we are hearing that the Stay-Home order, social distancing and keeping good hygiene has been helping flatten the curve of those infected with COVID We will continue to watch for latest updates and share them with you.

My heart goes out to every one of you as we all try to find balance in our new reality. We miss you and all the children. Please take care of yourselves and each other. Espero que hayan tenido unas agradables vacaciones de primavera. Todos estamos juntos en esto y les agradezco sinceramente su paciencia, comprensión, amabilidad y apoyo. También, él habló sobre la importancia de comprender cómo sería nuestra "nueva normalidad" y los planes a discutir sobre la orientación para reabrir la economía y las escuelas.

Los extrañamos a ustedes y a todos los niños. Por favor, cuídense a sí mismos y los unos a los otros. Coronavirus Update 8 - April 2, April 2, Dear Westminster School District Parents and Guardians, As many of you have heard most recently, State Superintendent Tony Thurmond announced students will not be able to return to school campuses before the end of the school year due to the coronavirus COVID pandemic.

Additionally, he directed all districts to ensure that learning still occurs for all students through the implementation of distance learning. Al Mijares recommending that school districts in Orange County cancel student attendance on campuses through the end of the school year and focus on distance learning at this time.

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As you can see, this situation is fluid and rapidly changing, please continue to check our district website for updates as information will be posted regularly. Thank you again for all your support and patience during these uncertain times. I am very proud of all of our students, staff and families for doing their part to overcome the challenges that we are facing together. Después de ese anuncio, el Superintendente del Condado de Orange, el Dr. Al Mijares, les recomendó a todos los distritos escolares del Condado de Orange cancelar la asistencia estudiantil en los planteles escolares hasta el final del año escolar y enfocarse en el aprendizaje a distancia en este momento.

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Estoy muy orgullosa de todos nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias por hacer su parte para superar los desafíos que estamos enfrentando juntos. Coronavirus Update 7 - March 31, March 31, I hope you and your family are all healthy and well. The world has changed in the last couple of weeks. As the spread and far reaching impacts of COVID dominate the world news, we want to ensure the safety and health of our WSD students, staff and community.

At this time, President Trump stated social distancing guidelines will be extended to April 30th; the Orange County Health Care Agency continues to advise that only essential activities are to continue; and OC Parks has implemented closures by closing parking lots at all county beaches, regional parks and wilderness parks. Therefore, at Westminster School District, we will continue to operate under a skeletal crew with only essential services that are necessary until further notice.

Therefore, our school and district closure will now get extended until May 1, Please note that as this situation continues to change, we will make necessary adjustments as we follow federal, state and local agency guidance. Please continue to check your emails and district website for updates as information will be posted regularly.

I am sending all of you lots of positive wishes during this difficult time. Be safe and healthy! Estimados padres o tutores del Distrito Escolar de Westminster:. Espero que usted y su familia estén bien y saludables. A medida que la propagación y los impactos de largo alcance del COVID dominan las noticias mundiales, queremos garantizar la seguridad y salud de nuestros estudiantes, personal y comunidad de WSD. Por lo tanto, en el Distrito Escolar de Westminster, continuaremos operando bajo un equipo de trabajo esencial reducido con solo los servicios esenciales que son necesarios hasta nuevo aviso.

Les envío muchos deseos positivos durante este momento difícil. Coronavirus Update 6 - March 18, March 18, I hope you are all healthy and well. We are continuing to keep the health and safety of our students, staff and community as a top priority. Therefore, Westminster School District will continue to operate under a skeletal crew with only essential services that are necessary until further notice. Governor Newsom anticipates the possibility of school closures extending beyond Spring Break.

Therefore, our school and district closure will be extended until April 17, Please note that this situation continues to change. We will make necessary adjustments as we follow state and local agency guidance and keep you updated. As you can see, this situation is fluid and rapidly changing, please continue to check your emails and district website for updates as information will be posted regularly. Also, know that our teachers, administrators, support staff and I are sending lots of positive thoughts and best wishes to all of you during this time apart. Espero que todos ustedes se encuentren sanos y bien.

En este momento, la Agencia de Cuidado de la Salud del Condado de Orange le ha recomendado a la comunidad que para poder reducir la propagación del COVID, solamente las actividades esenciales deben continuar. Nosotros haremos los cambios necesarios mientras seguimos la guía de la agencia local y estatal y los mantendremos informados sobre las actualizaciones. Durante el cierre de las escuelas, nosotros utilizaremos el aprendizaje a distancia para proporcionar oportunidades educativas e involucrar a los estudiantes en actividades académicas.

También, sepa que nuestros maestros, administradores, personal de apoyo y yo les enviamos muchos pensamientos positivos y nuestros mejores deseos para todos ustedes durante este tiempo de distanciamiento. Coronavirus Update 5 - March 16, March 16, As previously shared with you last Friday, March 13, the Westminster Board of Trustees voted to suspend in person classes for students effective Monday, March 16, through Friday, March 27,
