Gay youtubers famous

Resulta que esta no es la primera vez que Daniel visita Hell. Fue nombrado alcalde de la pequeña ciudad, pero solo por un día en agosto de , después de pagar dólares por obtener ese privilegio. Kristine Solomon. Noticias Inicio. Noticias Internacional. Yahoo Noticias 19 de junio de Bienvenido a Gay Hell, una ciudad con 70 habitantes, donde el nuevo propietario, Elijah Daniel, dice que solo puedes izar las banderas del arcoíris que representan el orgullo gay, y banderas estadounidenses, por supuesto.

Qué leer a continuación. Associated Press.

YouTube impide ganar dinero a vídeos con la etiqueta «Gay» o «Lesbiana»

Yahoo Noticias. AFP Video. So other youtubers are discussing the same topics. Although it's clear mostly negative hateful comments are being allowed. As well as dominating the "top comments" section. Whatever the issue is, it's clear Google is discriminating based on the content of my comments. If this is because my account has been flagged for a non-legitimate reason.

I'd like it to be fixed. I'll attempt to get in touch with the correct person who could do that for me I doubt this is the place. If you or anyone has any ideas how I could get a hold of the right person, that would be great. If google was to take a direction as you say; ghosting, then it would be an attack on freedom of speech, just like they filtering their content on searches etc. Ive noticed some similar development in yahoo, aka censurship. Ever since the internet became popular some people want to controll and censur it to their "political thought" advancement. I dont like gay people too much lols, but if u do get ghosted where ur comments only show for u and not others, thats serious and people should know google operates like this.

That's actually impossible. Computer technology isn't far enough advanced to make moral judgements or even decide whether a specific comment is homophobic or not; to manually filter every single comment would require a staff of hundreds of thousands at the very least. I believe you when you say that comments are being inappropriately filtered, but your conclusion as to why simply doesn't make any kind of sense in the real world.

¡No te lo pierdas!

What dominates the "top comments" which is no longer a separate section is based on a complicated algorithm. Comments are sorted not just according to popularity, but also according to who they're made by: comments made by people YouTube thinks you are likely to know will rise to the top.

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I can't offer you a good explanation as to why this is happening to your comments, except that the system is automated and complex. It tries to learn what is acceptable and what isn't my looking at what types of comment tend to get deleted or reported. I guess it's possible that most people on YouTube simply suck, although I'm reluctant to believe that.

You go from saying how 'stupid' for lack of a better word; googles filtering is, on to saying how complex googles systems are. This isn't your grandmothers abacus. Googles filtering systems have likely gone far beyond simple word and phrase filtering. Explain that. Regardless of why, it's clear. My pro-sexuality comments are being wrongfully and deceitfully hidden. With no "strikes" on my account, no information, warning, or a simply apology from skynet--woops--I mean google.

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I also can not reply to top comments, as that might risk someone actually seeing what I post. This 'flawed filtering system' all comes together to: -perfectly hide my opinions about SPECIFIC topics, -attempting to trick me into thinking people can still see them. After causing the frustration in the first place.

If it wasn't just a 'glitch'.

¿Qué opinó sobre la comunidad LGBT para hacerse tan viral en redes?

Whoever makes the filter, must be a very clever troll. Both myself and my house mate are having exactly the same thing. We both initially noticed that our comments where going largely ignored in a manner that seemed a little strange. On cross checking we could see our own posts but the others simply did not appear in threads, leaving little wonder why we were not getting replies. I think the thing that is most infuriating is that there seems to be no option for any recourse at all.

Update: Google seems to have stopped ghosting comments. Now they just downright delete them. I guess they realized that allowing them to be visible to the commenter only , would just allow people to notice how discriminatory the censorship actually is. Easily comparing to the comments that are not censored.

Now you won't get updates from the thread you posted in. Keep up the good work, Google devs! Censorship is great, especially when you control who gets to say what. Update2: False alarm.

YouTube impide ganar dinero a vídeos con la etiqueta "Gay" o "Lesbiana"

As always. The comment that isn't ghosted, is the one that had excessive use of the word "FUCK". Which I finally edited to what I actually wanted to say. After confirming that google has let that comment slip past their love filter.

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It seems you need to know the password to post on googlestube now: It is any one of the following. Including, but not limited to: "Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker". Encase anyone is wondering. Be sure to include the password in all your posts, or else they will not pass inspection. Be sure to throw in homophobic and racial slurs. It will allow google to know you are on their side of hate.

It's like a key word that sticks out to the computers saying "it's okay google, "I'm cool, let me pass". Words like "equality, acceptance, love" etc are forbidden. Using these words will most likely result in ghosting. As Google has now labelled you a spammer. You are no longer considered a human being, at this point. To google, you are just a computer programmed to repeat the same thing over and over. This is almost as bad as that time you took pictures of my house, posted my address on the internet and illegally recorded wifi connections refusing to delete the data, even after you were caught.

Google is Gay, you should probably check the grounding strap on your tinfoil hat. It may have become disconnected. Just for the record, there are an enormous number of us who post comments all day every day, without using any of those "passwords" so much as once.

It's well grounded, thanks for your concern. For the people red-flagged.

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