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Construcción de marca URL. Procura que tus URL sean cortas y evita nombres de dominio largos siempre que sea posible. Dominio Disponibilidad del dominio. Dominios Estado 24h. Dominios similares. Today the castle still maintains all its original splendor of stronghold, with a modern twist. Yes, you can actually stay here - in buildings connected to the castle there are apartments furnished with antique family furniture.

The castle sits along the via francigena - a route From Canterbury to Rome that millions of Christian pilgrims have travelled since the Middle Ages. For centuries, the people of all Europe met along this road. Here's a little nugget for you history buffs: Passing from Tuscany, Proceno was the first village that pilgrims encountered in the Papal States.

The Via Francigena is a route dense with history, from which grew the Romanesque style, works of literature such as the Chansons de Geste, and legends like Charlemagne and his paladins.

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Along the route arose sanctuaries and oratories dedicated to the patron saints of the road: St. James, St. Christopher, the archangel Michael, St. Donnino, and St. People today still make the pilgrimage along via francigena, calling it and existential experience and a journey of the soul. And inside Castello di Proceno, the hospitality doesn't stop.

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  5. For instance, the cooking classes taught by the owner Cecilia, the Chef Lucia, and the sommelier Claudio Sarti. You're taught authentic Italian recipes and how to prepare a FULL menu, all in the original family kitchen. Oh - and there's wine. Seriously, this is like a dream come true. Aaaaand we're back in central Italy. And we don't ever want to leave. Last time we explored the gorgeous Monte Rufeno nature reserve and all of its biological importance to the central Italy region. Today we head an hour south to the breathtaking Civita di Bagnoregio, nicknamed "The Town that is Dying.

    How could a town be dying? Civita di Bagnoregio is a true medieval town, originally founded by Etruscans 2, years ago. The city at the time was formed only by a group of houses and where the modern Civita stands, there was the acropolis with a temple and a forum - the core of civil and religious life of the whole town. Since then, due to the constant erosion of the tuff rocks where it is placed along with seismic activity in the area, Civita is slowly and inexorably crumbling.

    It can only be reached by foot, walking along a foot suspended concrete bridge to the small village that remains. Being inside the village is surreal. There are trattorias, restaurants, and shops that cater to our touristy side, of course. But just imagine standing in the middle of a piece of iconic history. Better yet, try to climb the East Cliff to admire the wonderful sight of the so-called "Ponticelli" little bridges , and the clay massive walls - the last trail of an erosive process started thousands of years ago and that still goes on.

    Talk about a wow moment. Marked by deep, sheltered valleys and gorges that run down towards the Mediterranean, its terraced farmlands are constantly watered by the melting snow from above, and has awesome hiking terrain. The cultural interest of the region lies in its fifty-odd villages, which were the last stronghold of the Spanish Muslims, or Moors. Soon after the Castillians took Granada in , all the Moor people were forced to convert to Christianity.

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    Those who refused took to the hills, settling in this remote, inaccessible area. By far THE most picturesque villages are a famous trio that cling close to each other, neighbored by the slopes of the Poqueira Valley, where red peppers and tomatoes are still set out to dry on the flat clay roofs of people's homes. Pampaneira, at the bottom, bustles with crafts shops and restaurants, as does Bubión, half way up the slope, with its massive square church tower standing on a plaza of rough paving stones.
