Playa de ingles gay massage

In the end of October and until the middle of November, I am so happy to introduce a very good friend and colleague from Geneva, here in Gran Canaria, Playa del Ingles as a guest therapist. Grzegorz is a highly skilled masseur in Tantra, Classic massge. He is really devovted in the art of Esalen Massage. You can conntact him directly on his webpage, for appointment or trough my site. During this time we will offer Individual massages, couple massages, 4 hands massage, both classic relax, Esalen, Lomi Lomi and Tantra sessions.

I really like his Kundalini spinal demonstration. Dynamic and silence. Tantra, yoga and meditation, all from the same source. It integrate your hole being to open up for an embodiment and spiritual experience. Breath, Sound and Movement! Natural DMT. It requires the greatest strength, bravery and courage to emerge by showing your vulnerability and trought, and the greatest relief can be getting support, presence and love. See, feel, live, breath it, walk it, talk it, understand and change. Transform it into self support, love and power! How massages help.

Massage can help activate the parasympathetic state, thus reducing levels of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Increases Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins and Oxytocin. All of this and a journey for your body, soul, mind and spirit.

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From the well of extended consciousness and unconditional love-. Thanks to Jonas Hofmann, German Cinematographer, for this beautifully crafted video from his last visit to Gran Canaria. Ayuda sobre accesibilidad. Ahora no.

Bungalows Los Almendros, Playa del Ingles, Spain -

Guest massage therapist. Breath, Love, Let go, Flow Treat yourself. Él también es certificado y apasionado en el arte del masaje Esalen, del instituto Esalen en California.

Respira, amor, deja ir, fluye Date un gusto. We are specialists in accommodation with more than 75, hotels and apartments in more than destinations. This is my business. If you're the owner of this business and want to contact us, leave your comments here:. Cancel Send. Contact These are the contact details of Massage Playa del Ingles Gran Canaria, so you can make your reservation or ask any questions.

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AxelBeach Maspalomas Gay Apartments, Playa del Ingles, Gran Canaria -

Apartamento Playa Playa del Ingles 85 metres from Located in Playa del Inglés, Apartamento Playa is an apartment with access to 2 communal swimming pools and a range of leisure facilities. Processing your request, please wait!

Top Things to Do in Gran Canaria, Spain - Gran Canaria Attractions

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