Gay scene valencia spain

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Interface Language. Para una mejor experiencia, hay que activar JavaScript en el navegador antes de proceder. Scene Goth scene. Autor chead Fecha de inicio 16 Abril Hola a todos!! Tengo una duda Para traducir "Goth scene" se me ocurre "look Gótico", "rollo gótico" Ishould haveknown Senior Member Valencia, España. A parte de ser un anglicismo. Yo diría rollo gótico, o literalmente escena gótica si se refiere a toda la parafernalia.

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Mil gracias!! Parole This song is about that boy!! Breaking Chains Never let anyone tell you that something is impossible. The sky is the limit; you should always reach for it! I Die A very special and intimate song about mental abuse. The lyrics say it all.

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This song was really difficult to write for me Andrea , but during those hard times music helped me a lot, knowing that I was not alone and that there was always hope. Will you be playing in Valencia during the summer? On the Road Artists are very special creatures.

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We live on emotions, dreams and feelings. Yes, we will be playing all around the city you can check our website for further info. We are constantly looking for awesome places to perform at, and really indulge ourselves in this wonderful city.

We welcome and encourage any venue or anyone who thinks our music is for them, from our full electronic set to our intimate acoustic experience, to reach out to us. We are in a very exciting place right now with lots happening and we are very thankful for that. We are always looking forward to meeting new fans, friends, critics and artists around the globe, more festivals, concerts, and tours. We came together to create something special, and the idea is to share it with others, it is what makes our journey very special, it is what makes us FREALANE. Interview by Owl www.

So to let you in on a secret, part of that strength to dangle and swing dramatically from the beams is maintained by a high intake of La Ola Fresca flapjacks and a weakness for granola not to mention chocolate brownie. As the July heat soars, we look for oven-free ways of keeping the Vertigo team and our own energies high and turn to a recipe invented by Swiss physician and nutritionist, Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Benner, in Simply soak the oats in the apple juice with the other ingredients overnight.

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In the morning, stir in the Greek yoghurt, grate in the fresh apple, top with fresh fruits and seeds. Likewise La Ola Fresca will be back after the summer break with more uplifting. Open Tuesday — Sunday It is really pleasing to know that, even in recession, enterprising people are still willing to risk opening new businesses, none more so than restaurants.

In the past couple of months, D and I have eaten in several newly opened establishments here in the city. Most have been great and I hope they succeed. Clectic Open Kitchen is a novel and interesting idea. Its creator, Ricardo, hopes clients will come in for anything from a drink Gin tonics are their speciality, more on them later to a coffee or tapas to a full meal, any time of the day from h — h.

The restaurant itself is light and airy and mercifully cool on the very hot night we went. There are all sizes of tables to accommodate from two to ten people and a low chill out area with sofas and low seating. Nice artwork adorns the walls and the lighting is subdued. We arrived just before the rush and were seated at a good-sized table next to one of the floor to ceiling windows by one of the very friendly and welcoming staff.

So, on to the food, we were three that. We chose Tempura de alcachofas Artichoke tempura , crispy and soft inside with a delicious spicy lime mayo dipping sauce. Then, a speciality of the house, Brownie de buey a light pastry topped with slow-cooked pulled beef moist and full of flavour. We had wanted to try the Tomato tarte tatin, as both D and P adore tomatoes, but unfortunately there had been a run on this particular dish earlier on — next time! To make up for this, a plate of Sung chai bao arrived at the table, delicious Thai-style spicy minced beef with lettuce to wrap it in, to dunk and eat.

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A big hit at our table! P ordered one of the super salads — a Cobb classic. I had the red Thai curry with basmati rice, suitably warned by our server that it was very hot and spicy not so spicy for an English palate , an excellent and authentic Thai flavour. We finished the meal in your interest only, you understand with a New York cheesecake and a Toffee apple tart, both 4. I had a Hendricks gin with tonic and red fruits, D tried the Bombay Sapphire with orange and tonic. Once again, beautifully presented on a little tray with a large balloon glass of gin with ice, a bottle of tonic, and a little ice lolly of your chosen flavouring to swirl in as much or as little flavour as you like… Presentation in Clectic is great, there is a food designer in the kitchen as Ricardo feels that presentation is as important as the taste.

He has great plans for Clectic, which he plans to make a franchise and, once the formula is perfected, will roll out in other locations around Valencia, Spain and the world. I wish Ricardo every success and unreservedly recommend this interesting locale. Set on two floors with a modern yet warm interior, this is a perfect place for groups as Mon has the capacity for customers! At the back, leading onto a quiet pedestrian street there is an attractive and mellow outdoor terrace for lunch or dinner. On the spacious first floor, there are plenty of tables with dining for couples and groups.

The cosmopolitan, black-shirted staff were naturally friendly and helpful, both upstairs and downstairs. We chose to enjoy a lunch and shared our different dishes so we were both able to get a good idea of the quality and variety of the cuisine here. Our tasty starters were fluffy Croquetas de jamón filled with ham and mushrooms. We let our helpful and informed, blackclad waiter recommend their main course speciality of Meloso arroz pescado, which was a tasty and filling soupy rice dish with prawns in a fish sauce. We then shared a delightful, succulent salmon dish plenty of omega 3.

We finished off with a refreshing little postre of vanilla and chocolate ice cream, which was elegantly presented with raspberry and herb. The daily menu changes every day but you will always find quality rice, meat and fish dishes available.

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Following our weekend lunch, we popped in again on a midweek night for a riveting live flamenco set with dancers, guitar and singing by an internationally renowned flamenco collective. It was a truly joyous night with some of the crowd joining the dancers at the end. The show is currently on from Expect flamenco en directo every night but do confirm with the restaurant beforehand. For our evening meal, especially memorable was the Pulpo a la brasa, which was a lovingly presented work of art. It was a grilled octopus that combined succulently with the soft textures of seaweed, paprika purée and olive oil as well as the towering, fried pastry that shot upwards from the salt-sprinkled trendy, rectangular base.

An urbane version of a seafaring dish. The headless prawns also stood out… but with a twist. Brocheta de gambas en costra de Kataifi y salsa romescu is a distinctive combination with the prawns being wrapped in a wiry pastry of Arabic origin, which we then dipped in a Catalan romescu light sauce that combines tomato with garlic and crushed almonds.

The sheer quality of the cooking and ingredients means that that the combination of food and drink never leaves you feeling heavy… there is a harmony and method to the cooking and art of dining at Mon. The exquisite little asparagus to accompany were semi-cooked to perfection. This way of cooking was invented by a 19th century rebel samurai! This is top quality Mediterranean cuisine with touches of the exotic. The portions are neither small nor large and this makes for a balanced meal over the course of a nicely stretched-out lunch or dinner.

Great food all day and great live music at night.
