Gay parade valencia

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The United States joined this club last week , when the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is a right that cannot be banned by state authorities. In an unprecedented move, the Madrid regional assembly joined the initiative and displayed its own rainbow flag from its headquarters in Puerta del Sol. The decision was made by new premier Cristina Cifuentes, who is emerging as a figure of regeneration within the center-right Popular Party.

Madrid has not been the only Spanish city to visibly embrace the gay rights movement since the political swing to the left resulting from the May 24 local and regional elections. Javier Barroso. November 30, Loreen podría ir al Gay Pride de Valencia.

May 12, November 1. August 1. June 1. January 1. December 1.

Orgullo Gay Valencia Programa de fiestas del Orgullo Gay Valencia

November 2. July 3. May 2. February 1.

Atacan el autobús de Ciudadanos en el desfile del Orgullo LGTBI de Valencia

December 3. October 2. September 1.

August 2. July 2. June 2.

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