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La noche gay de La Latina. Location: Madrid ir al mapa. Includes: Bebidas y 1 entrada. Languages: Disponible en Inglés. Acerca de tu anfitrión. I am a Madrilian Cat Gato that means 3 generations of my family were born in Madrid. The main thing is that I know Madrid like the back of hand and I have also worked in the travel industry for over 10 years. In fact, I have sailed on a cruise ship 8 times around the World, I speak 6 languages fluently and have a… read more.

Top Bares gay en Madrid

Qué haremos. We visit 4 or 5 bars and nightclubs in La Latina depending on the night of the week and the bars program we might change the order or the venues.

Información de contacto. Mejore este perfil. TripAdvisor ya ha sido informado. Sí No No estoy seguro. Comparte otra experiencia antes de irte.

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