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Recommended, Robbie Price. Una sauna magnífica, la limpieza es muy buena, los empleados soy agradables, tiene varios rincones muy agradables que dan mucho juego, hay muchos tipos de hombres, me lo pase genial, repetiré seguro. Sauna limpia, con empleados agradables, variedad de instalaciones, sin ser muy grande.

Tiene muchas ofertas para que nadie deje ir. Seguiré yendo cada vez que pueda. The stonewall sauna is what Tenerife's gays have been waiting for a long time. Clean, with friendly and cheerful staff, with Latin character. Thematic and private parties in impeccable facilities. Cruz de San Andres, horse, cabins, steam sauna, jacuzzi, dark room, everything I needed without having to leave the island. It is not a Berlin or Barcelona style sauna. Todos los apartamentos disponen de calefacción y aire acon Friendly, helpful staff organized tickets for Alhambra so don't let info at bus station freak you out.

Super spacious apartment, everything you need, close to everything - walk to Alhambra if you don't mind m hill walk - but beautiful and worth it.

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Bakery nearby fabulous for lunch at the back. Nd away from the road noise Very easy access to bus stop nd Alhambra nd other interesting places The apartment was just like we wanted Neat and clean Marquis Urban 0. El Portago Urban se encuentra a solo 10 minutos a pie de la catedral de Granada y ofrece habitaciones elegantes con conexión Wi-Fi gratuita.

The staff at the Portago Urban we're very friendly and accommodating to our needs during the stay. A requested room change was done with no drama and they assisted with some business issues I was having at the time. I really cannot thank them enough.

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The wifi worked very well and the beds and shower were well above standard. The design of the plac You are in a nice part of Granada not too busy but near a bus stop that takes you straight to the Alhambra. Very friendly at reception, day and nice. We enjoyed the very nice roof terrace.

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Very quiet although in the old part of town. And for us of great importance the very high quality of beds and the viscoelastical pillows. Difficult to find. Hotel Carmen De Santa Ines 0. El patio y el jardín ofrecen maravillosas vistas de la Hermosas vistas desde la habitación, confortable y acogedora.

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  • Castil 0. El Castil es un hostal económico situado en el centro histórico de Granada, a sólo 2 minutos a pie de la catedral, junto a la Puerta Real. El Castil d España Buscar hoteles. Fecha de llegada 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 diciembre 19 enero 20 febrero 20 marzo 20 abril 20 mayo 20 junio 20 julio 20 agosto 20 septiembre 20 octubre 20 noviembre Granada Mapa.

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    10 Things to do in Granada, Spain Travel Guide

    Airport Federico Garcia Lorca Airport Tipos de establecimiento - Granada.
