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La Laguna. If Madrid is a little colder in winter 10 degrees on average compared to 17 in Malaga , the Spanish capital offers one of the most beautiful Christmas markets, the "Mercado de Navidad de Plaza Mayor". You will be spoiled for choice: 4 Christmas markets are spread throughout the city but the "Mercado de Navidad de Plaza Mayor" is the most beautiful Christmas market in Spain with its handmade gifts, regional delicacies, local and national specialties.

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Forget about the traditional mulled wine and treat yourself to a glass of Cava, the Spanish champagne , in one of the most beautiful squares in the world. This property is rated for the best value in Madrid. The best craftsmen in Barcelona and Catalonia have been presenting visitors their products for nearly years now. Located in the centre of the city of Seville, at the foot of the Cathedral, you will find everything you need for your Christmas gifts but also delicatessen, local wines, to taste on the spot or take away, souvenirs….

There are several Christmas markets in Granada. The first one opens on December 1st and all the Christmas markets in Granada close around January 6th. Come and enjoy some local specialties such as "Pan Cadiz" or "Polvoron de Jijona", you will also discover street shows, many activities for young and old. Book your flights and accommodation at the best price as well as your best things to do in Granada such as an Alhambra Tour.

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