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Querida Madame X: Así que tu nombre viene del famoso cuadro de Sargent. Curioso y muy significativo. Se me ocurren dos razones para explicar porqué este cuadro no resultó escandaloso y en cambio el de Madame X, sí.

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En primer lugar, Madame X, era una mujer excitaba a los moralistas , y este retrato era de un afroamericano. Para la moral racista de la época, eso no era transgresor, puesto que eran considerados como salvajes, poco menos que animales. Como curiosidad te diré que se lo encontró en un ascensor y se quedó impresionado. Era el botones del hotel Copley Plaza, de Boston. Mi compartir emocional con ese ambiente y poder vivirlo de forma abierta, natural y libertaria.

Besos MadameX. Besos Marqués. Hola soy un chico joven con ganas de ir a este bar nudista pero a mi solo me da corte, asi que busco a alguien que me acompañe, uno o varios chicos pues realmente busco sexo en grupo. Mi email es abiertoato gmail. Etiquetas: Locales. Madame X 24 de abril de , Marqués de Zas 26 de abril de , Anónimo 19 de mayo de , Produced by Bradley Cooper and Benjamin Rice.

Parking Lot 9. Trust Me Produced by Lady Gaga and Benjamin Rice. First Stop, Arizona Written by Lady Gaga and Lukas Nelson. Produced by Lukas Nelson. Written by Paul Kennerley. Produced by Lady Gaga and Lukas Nelson. I Love You Produced by Dave Cobb and Lady Gaga. M arqu é s de Cubas.

COOPER tu Gay fetich en Madrid (Madrid) España, con mapa y como llegar []

Piamonte i Teatro Español. Gravina a C. Almirante C. Prim I. GÉ Pl. Velarde rceló colar and Emily Dickinson SilviaateoAbascal ; be. SPedregal and Luis C. Cernuda José Coronado. Anand dancing world to bend oV a e l C. Entre Charles Gallego C. Ahora llega a las Naves del Español esta versión, realizada por Javier L. This adaptation by Javier L. Sala Fernando Arrabal h Matadero Madrid. Gravina a Calle C. Almirante h Jovellanos, 4 C. Conde de Aranda C. Columela Ba C.

O era d Pl. Jacometrezo C. Fernando el Santo C. For the occasion of the 20 anniversary of the death of one of the biggest figures in Spanish dance, AnPl. It is a journey through C. Alburqu erq ñola, Antonio Najarro ha diseñado para el Ballet C. Una obra, interpretada en inglés, basada en el Mahabharata, que, durante miles de años, nos ha mostrado cómo abrir nuestros ojos a lo que demanda la realidad.

A theatrical work based on Mahabharata which, for thousands of years, has shown us how to open our eyes to what reality demands. Concha Velasco portrays Joanna of Castile —better known as Juana the Mad—, one of the most moving figures in Spanish history, telling us the story of her life experiences and holding to account the people who were part of her life before she ultimately died alone, estranged from her children.

Sala Max Aub h Matadero Madrid. La obra cuenta la historia de una ex azafata israelí, víctima de un atentado en el que resultó herida y su mejor amiga muerta. Veintidós años después decide visitar al terrorista autor del atentado, condenado a cadena perpetua en Londres. This play tells the story of a former Israeli air hostess who was the victim of a terrorist attack that saw her injured and her best friend killed. Twenty-two years later, she decides to visit the terrorist responsible for the attack, who has been sentenced to life imprisonment in London.

Stuck in Limbo for all eternity, Caesar and Cleopatra, two figures epitomising power and seduction, meet again in In their memories they still see themselves living out their royal lives, although over two thousand years have passed. Escrita por Juan Mayorga, es esta una profunda reflexión sobre la inmigración y las relaciones de pareja.

La compañía de danza estatal del coreógrafo Leonid Milanovalov presenta sus Leyendas Cosacas. Written by Juan Mayorga, the production is a profound reflection on immigration and romantic relationships.


Nearly 50 artistes, including singers, dancers and acrobats dressed in their traditional costumes will fill the show with vitality and colour. En el limbo de la eternidad, César y Cleopatra, dos de los mayores hitos del poder y la seducción, se reencuentran en Su protagonista es una mujer. Directed by Ignacio García May, Sofía is a monologue about a woman. For many years, she was the most well-known woman in Spain, yet for many years, she has also been the least known.

Escrita y dirigida por Cesc Gay, con Candela Peña en el reparto. One night Ana and Julio invite their neighbours, Gloria and Brian, over for dinner to show them their flat and thank them for their help when they first moved to the building Written and directed by Cesc Gay, starring Candela Peña.

A carefully created setting, psychological terror and special effects are the ingredients that will ensure that the audience has a good time Un viaje apasionante en el que se entrelazan la palabra y el cante. An enthralling journey in which words and singing interweave.

This Spanish adaptation of The Rose Tattoo by Tennessee Williams tells us the story of a woman who has lost her husband and decides to shut herself away to mourn him forever. As the product of a very traditional upbringing, she is convinced that this is what ought to be done. Una bella gitana de fiero temperamento es la protagonista de la famosa ópera de Bizet, que se desarrolla en Sevilla hacia The Madrid Flamenco Ballet, with 20 artistes and live music, performs this passionate tale of love and jealousy.

Galletas es el surtido agridulce de esas historias, vistas siempre desde el humor y el absurdo. One of the most emotionally intense moments of any love story is precisely when it crumbles and comes to an end. Galletas is the bitter-sweet assortment of these stories, seen from a humorous and absurd perspective. Ella es psicóloga, poco dada a lo social y de mente cuadriculada.

  • La rebelión del Stonewall, la noche que cambió la historia LGTBI.
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  • The Ring Private.

Él es jefe de marketing en una empresa de yogures… Silvia Marsó y Pablo Chiapella protagonizan esta obra dirigida por Sergio Peris-Mencheta. With Eloy Arenas. A jazz trumpet player narrates the extraordinary tale of his best friend, Novecento, an exceptional pianist born on one of the boats that sailed the nautical routes between Europe and the Americas in the early 20th century. Ella quiere saber todo sobre su amado pero no se atreve a preguntar, por lo que su mejor amiga le ofrece una dosis del suero de la verdad. Con Eloy Arenas. Fredo, Rober and Dani, employees of a multinational corporation, meet every evening in a trendy bar frequented by office workers in the financial district, with their elegant suits and sharp tongues.

This particular evening, over a few beers, they discuss a project that will change their lives. Un viaje onírico alucinado por la Villa y Corte. Con Paco León. A dreamlike hallucinatory journey through the City and the Court. Starring Paco León.

From 7 to 12 June, the Kiev Modern Ballet is presenting a renewed and different version of The Nutcracker, directed and choreographed by Radu Poklitaru. He is also responsible for the staging of Swan Lake, which the company will perform from the 14th to the 19th. Una manera particular de celebrar la unión entre personas, sencilla e íntima, a medio camino entre el teatro y la realidad. Un espacio y un momento alejados de lo cotidiano para reflexionar sobre las relaciones entre los seres humanos.

This is an unusual way of celebrating the connection between people - a simple and intimate work that lies half way between theatre and reality. A space and a moment that stand away from daily life to reflect upon human relationships. What purpose has it served? What are its goals for the next few decades?

Diciembre 12222

This play by Alberto San Juan reflects on all of these topics. Asumimos que dentro del espejo. Por eso nos sumergimos sin pudor dentro de él de la mano de dos guías serviles… Un proyecto de TurliTava Teatro, ganador de los Laboratorios de Creación Escénica del Off de La Latina.
