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In the musical Rumberas film , Ninón Sevilla internationalized the icon of the rumbera like no other of her peers: she was the perfect archetype in several films, in which a "fallen woman" was dignified through dance.

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She staged the many choreographies of her films, and was the first performer to introduce plots from Santeria rituals in her movies. By , Ninón Sevilla had consolidated her sex symbol status and was a superstar. Her success led to her being recognized in countries like Brazil and France.

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In , the future French director François Truffaut made a review of Llévame en tus brazos , in which he wrote: "Is Ninón dancing for glory? No way, never. It is quite clear Ninón is dancing for pleasure! Ninón Sevilla debuted on television in with a small role in the soap opera Juicio de almas , produced by Ernesto Alonso.

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After the revival of her career, she was invited in to appear in the telenovela Rosa salvaje , alongside Verónica Castro. She was cast in numerous supporting roles in several telenovelas , as María la del Barrio , Rosalinda and Qué bonito amor , among others.

In , Ninon Sevilla was the subject of tributes from the Mexican Academy of Film Arts and Sciences and the Cineteca of Mexico for her career and influence in their national cinema. Ninon Sevilla had a long relationship with film producer Pedro Arturo Calderón. Eventually, she married Cuban doctor José Gil. When Gil died, she started another relationship and had her only son, the musician Genaro Lozano.

Sevilla died on 1 January at the age of Ninón Sevilla.

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Redirected from Ninon Sevilla. Havana , Cuba. Mexico City , Mexico. Licha del Rey Rosa salvaje Zoraida Cuando llega el amor Nina Yo no creo en los hombres Emelia Las secretas intenciones Julieta María la del barrio Una vez allí, Chueca es una zona que puedes recorrer a pie. Haz clic aquí para leer nuestra guía del alojamiento gay en Madrid.

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Otra zona para probar, que tiene un aire muy relajado, es la calle de Cava Baja a pocos minutos a pie de la Plaza Mayor. Es bueno visitar los bares de esta zona antes de ir a la discoteca y los mismos permanecen abiertos hasta las , aproximadamente. Debajo hemos incluido un listado de algunas discotecas gay que son populares en Madrid. Generalmente no abren hasta tarde, por lo tanto también te damos los horarios de apertura.

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Escape Calle de Gravina, 13 Madrid, España. Metro: Chueca Línea Verde, L5.


Ohm Plaza del Callao, 4 Madrid, España.
