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Information is shared and disseminated through an open platform available to any interested citizen with a connection to the internet, via infographics for easy to comprehend content, traditional data forms, and videos.

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This is much more digestible, as reading a budget is typically a fairly tiresome task. Initially, the organization started out with information about budgets only; now, however, it provides information regarding national programs, the subsidy re-investment scheme , and the national election , in order to keep people informed about a variety of issues. Information shared is important for inciting and informing cogent discussion about city and national issues. The organization's site also allows for data requests. The organization's efforts have made data easily digestible to the population, and their ability to share information is a welcome addition to the accountability and government transparency movement.

However, two things are striking; first, the organization's work is primarily targeted to an elite sector of the population — those with Internet access.

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  4. Newspapers feature extended access to data, but only occasionally. Second, one has to be particularly interested in seeking this information in order to get informed. Photo: Open Knowledge. Sin embargo, nuevas tecnologías han aumentado las posibilidades del "mapeo de barrios".

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    En Caracas, Enlace Arquitectura, una firma de arquitectura local, inició un proyecto de investigación para mapear el crecimiento de los asentamientos informales desde hasta el presente. Caracas, 4 March — The informal city remains unmapped mainly because of its temporary condition, continuous transformation, and informal character. But recently, new technologies have brought new possibilities to the field of slum mapping. In Caracas, Enlace Arquitectura, a local architecture firm, began a research project to map the growth of Caracas' informal settlements from to the present.

    Esta revolución tecnológica ha desafiado el campo de la cartografía y permite a los ciudadanos comunes visualizar y crear mapas de lugares que han permanecido sin mapear. En Enlace Arquitectura inició un ambicioso proyecto para mapear el crecimiento de los asentamientos informales en Caracas. Los "Barrios", como se les llama en Venezuela, son partes de la ciudad cuya condición física es ambigua.

    Asimismo, decidieron comparar los mapas de Caracas en cuatro períodos: , , y La metodología para analizar en detalle los patrones de crecimiento ha sido la de utilizar las Unidades de Planificación Física UPF definido por Josefina Baldó y Federico Villanueva en su Plan de Mejoramiento de Barrios de , que dividen los asentamientos informales de Caracas en 24 regiones. La arquitecto Silva explica que "el estudio muestra que la mayoría de UPFs se constituyeron en y tuvieron un importante crecimiento hasta Los asentamientos informales se encuentran en las laderas y la periferia de la ciudad, y han crecido lentamente hasta hoy Antímano, La Dolorita y Caucaguita , pero algunos pequeños asentamientos informales ubicados dentro del tejido formal se han consolidado y permanecen estables desde El Pedregal y Chapellín.

    Por lo tanto, la parte informal de la ciudad no podría ser tan temporal como algunas personas piensan. La metodología utilizada puede ser replicada en otras ciudades para mapear el crecimiento informal. Imagen 2: UPFs en Caracas. Imagen 3: Proyección de la población de Antomano. It was only ten years ago that free and public access to satellite images and maps of the world using web-based mapping products became available. Not long ago, official cartography was the only option. Google Maps and Google Earth have allowed for the visualization and navigation of cities easily from personal computers and cellphones.

    Not only can we consult maps from our cellphones, but we are also able to make collective maps through crowdsourcing online software. Today, aerial pictures can be taken with small and easy-to-use drones. This technological revolution has challenged the field of cartography, allowing citizens to visualize and create maps of places that have remained unmapped. Such is the case of most informal settlements developed spontaneously without an urban plan. In , Enlace Arquitectura started an ambitious project: to map the growth of informal settlements in Caracas.

    There is vague information about the size of the population living in barrios, only some roads are mapped, and continuous invasions change the area that they occupy.

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    Enlace Arquitectura's research analyzes how formal and informal areas of the city have developed in the last half century in Caracas. They have used this information to project population growth within these areas. Architect Elisa Silva, head of Enlace Arquitectura, explains that "45 percent of people living in Caracas have settled in spontaneously developed territory," which started appearing in Caracas' cartography in They chose to compare the maps of Caracas in four periods: , , , and They have relied on new technology, using Google Maps and aerial images taken with drones to compare maps.

    They have chosen five UPFs located in the metropolitan area to study in detail. Architect Silva explains that "the study shows that most UPFs were constituted in and had major growth until After, most of the informal occupation happened outside the metropolitan region of the city. This valuable projection allows them to have an idea of how many people are actually living in these spontaneous settlements.

    One of the most valuable aspects of mapping informal settlements is that it helps to acknowledge which areas are consolidated, and to realize that the self-built houses in the informal settlements are just as old as the city's first skyscrapers. Therefore, the informal part of the city might not be as temporary as some people think. The methodology used could be replicated in other cities to map informal growth. In June , Enlace Arquitectura will publish their book on Caracas' informal growth and we will be able to learn more about their work showing the growth of informal settlements.

    Image 1: Informal blue and Formal grey areas of Caracas. Image 2: UPFs in Caracas. Image 3: Antomano's population projection. All images belong to Enlace Arquitectura. Landmark global decisions over the next 12 months provide opportunities to unlock the potential of cities and improve quality of life for billions worldwide. We sat down with Felipe Calderón, Chair of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate and keynote speaker at the upcoming Transforming Transportation conference, to learn more about how cities can drive forward sustainable, low-carbon economic growth.

    Dar es Salaam, 16 January — This article explores how technology is providing insight into the lived experience of Dar es Salaam's residents. Mobile technology is now enabling residents to share their perceptions, giving citizens a voice in the city and a way to express their needs and concerns. Mobile technology is not only changing how the city can be navigated but is providing a tool for collecting information and enabling monitoring and evaluation of the urban experience.

    The contemporary paradigm in urban studies focuses on how to create "smarter" cities — using innovative technology to devise and implement revolutionary designs and programs and thereby repair and redeem the urban dystopia, a key task on humanity's agenda. In Dar es Salaam, technology has become a means to promote technological entrepreneurialism and employment among the population , as well as to map the city itself — in short, technology is becoming a much more powerful means to enable development.

    However, within this paradigm we must be critical of our own assumptions about how this development takes place, and who is interconnected within this growing network. Even within today's "global network society," our technological paradigm, not everyone is systematically connected. Losers are forcefully defined and excluded. It is therefore important to emphasise how technology has been and is being used in the growing mega-city for monitoring and evaluation — and, in particular, the extent to which organisations are relying on technological means to assess public service provision.

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    In the case discussed here, the technological service used is the mobile phone, and the population tapped is the growing number of residents who are active on online social media. In , it was found that 60 percent of Dar es Salaam's lowest-income households have no access to electricity; that one-quarter of residents were not satisfied with their available health care; and that one of the greatest burdens of their lived experience is water supply. That same year, Dar es Salaam integrated technology into the city's monitoring systems, initiating a mobile survey collecting information on public services access, availability, and quality from residents.

    Once collected, this data is reviewed and interpreted to inform and enable Dar es Salaam's future policy, plans, and decision-making. Following the responses obtained throughout the city has enabled TWAWEZA to set up an urban forum, "Listening to Dar es Salaam," in which it continues to ask important questions about residents' lived experiences.

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    The monitoring of public services and experiences is ongoing — asking random members of the public their opinions bi-weekly through mobile phones. The idea is simple: using technology to gain information from the bottom up, to really understand how the public experiences the city. The "Listening to Dar es Salaam" forum disseminates the data, and has made the information open-access and public.

    In , for example, respondents explained how despite rising crime rates they felt unable to trust the police. About 80 percent of respondents reported that they had been a victim of theft or that either they or someone from their household had witnessed a crime in public. Thirty-eight percent of the respondents who reported experiencing theft were from the Ilala city district. The questionnaires have also highlighted the extent to which corruption and bribes are a norm within the city's health system: corruption comes part-and-parcel with the system, ensuring a patient's access to treatment as well as determining the quality of that treatment.

    One-fifth of respondents reported having to pay bribes at health facilities in Dar es Salaam.

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    6. As the city remembered the collapse of the Indira Gandhi building, questions were also raised on perceptions of building safety. The public were asked how confident they were that future collapses of high-rise buildings would be prevented; 57 percent stated they were "not confident.

      The data collected is not only published on Listening to Dar es Salaam's Twitter account and online, but also continues to provide an accurate and reliable source of information for the World Bank's Global Monitoring Reports. Their GMR asked questions about the impact of rising food prices for residents in Dar es Salaam to understand the level of food in security.

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      Thus, technology in urban environments is not only solving and changing how we navigate the city; it is also becoming a key advocacy tool. Mobile surveys in Dar es Salaam provide information, raise public awareness, and empower civil society to demand effective decision-making. The spatial structure of large cities is a mix of top-down design and spontaneous order determined by the market. In his talk at the Cities and Development conference, Alain Bertaud argued that although top-down design is indispensable for establishing city-wide primary infrastructure, the city planners' urge to control often goes too far.

      At the neighborhood level, he explained, cities need spontaneity. In his talk on "Cities in the Developing World," Edward Glaeser started by arguing that cities do not make people poor, but rather attract poor people who previously lived in more rural areas. This is a stark difference from richer countries in the Global North, which had comparatively more wealth before their respective historic periods of rapid urbanization. Glaeser suggested that one of the main explanations for this divergence is the state of the global agriculture industry. When western nations underwent urbanization in the 19th century, the global trade economy was relatively small.

      A country needed to reach a certain level of wealth before urbanization could happen.

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      Today, with a global economy in which food can be shipped all over the world, individual countries do not require a strong domestic agricultural industry in order for many people to move to cities, and so urbanization can occur in poorer contexts. Skip to main content.

      Sistema IDESC, al servicio de la municipalidad y de los ciudadanos Cali, 13 marzo — Los SIG pueden ser unas herramientas formidables a la hora de identificar problemas sociales y también en la formulación y el monitoreo de las soluciones a dichos problemas. Intensifying fire threats Winter is the dry season in HCMC, the time when footage of fire tragedies increasingly appears in the news. Fire station planning and mapping: a GIS application To plan the stations' locations, the team gathered information from typical fire incidents in HCMC from June to April , consisting of "accident locations, causes, materials that cause fire, the number of firefighters and trucks attended, and the spatial locations of the accidents.

      In term of mapping, the team gathered various layers of maps that incorporate different elements involved in each rescue effort, including: the map of current fire stations, with names and addresses the map of hospitals, with contact phone numbers the power supply location, to terminate power supply to prevent electrical explosions and intensified fires the location of local police offices, to cooperate in evacuating the neighborhoods These layers help to choose the scenarios that best use the different departments and available resources.

      Nairobi, a global leader in using data informatics and mapping quality of life Nairobi, 9 March — The explosion in the use of mapping and data analytics to identify hotspots of insecurity and vulnerability has been directly aided by Kenyan developers, technologists, and the entrepreneurial spirit pulsating in Nairobi. Bisabolol the underdog terpene. Werbung FRESH Body milk reichhaltigepflege trockenehaut nährt beruhigt hochwertigepflanzenöle wohlbefinden geschmeidigkeit avocadoöl macadamianussöl aloeverafrischpflanzensaft bisabolol magnolienrindenextrakt christinekress.

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