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Salida: Flexible. Property in perfect location. Very clean and tidy. Norbey is a great host. Cannot find any fault. Will definitely stay again.

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    Norbey Enviar una pregunta al propietario. Propiedad It is a fantastic place to relax and have a break!


    The place is great, the appartement are very nicely furnished and well organized. Great pool and terrace, all clothing optional. Thank you Mark for your advice and your kindness! Claude - Paris. Obviously a remote and insulated location. The access is not easy because of untar roads.


    Very nice views from the terrace. Swimming pool is quite convenient. As you will be staying for long times within the premises of la finca, your stay will be all the more enjoyable as you could meet other friendly guests. Kind and attentionned owners.

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    Bathroom is very small. Naturism is possible on the property. Their 2 times a week group dinners are very good! Guía gay Marbella y Provincia de Malaga.
