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Consultado el 15 de septiembre de Archivado desde el original el 8 de septiembre de It revealed the company's lack of empathy for its gay users. The Washington Post. Gizmodo Australia. Consultado el 16 de septiembre de Wired Magazine. Consultado el 22 de mayo de The Huffington Post. Consultado el 2 de abril de Datos: Q Multimedia: Grindr. Espacios de nombres Artículo Discusión. Vistas Leer Editar Ver historial.

Las 10 mejores apps LGTB para encontrar el amor o lo que seaShangay

En otros proyectos Wikimedia Commons. Buscador de eventos en Valencia. El mercado de las Apps ha crecido tanto, que hoy en día encontramos decenas de aplicaciones para una gran diversidad de gustos y perfiles.

Hoy entramos en Google Play y analizamos al sector homosexual. Temas relacionados: Chueca. Planet Romeo. Planet, el pub lésbico de referencia en Valencia. Romeo Santos vuelve a Valencia. Guía de locales de sexo gay en Valencia. Pal Mundo trae a Valencia el concierto latino del año. Si quiere opinar introduzca su nombre, email y su opinion, finalmente pulse enviar.

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App de chat gay para iphone

It is very entertaining as well. I would highly recommend this app!

If you are a gay man I guarantee you will enjoy yourself! Thanks for your comments! Thanks for being a valued member of our community. When I decided to find a new man in my life I joined Scruff and started chatting with guys who live nearby. Seeing how close some guys are is nice because you can both choose whether or not you want to develop a relationship with someone before you get to know them.

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Something that takes a bit of getting used to though is that the distance that this app shows you is as-the-crow-flys distance. It might be nice if Scruff utilized Google maps to give you the driving distance instead of what it gives you because it can be misleading. I ultimately found the man of my dreams on Scruff and me and my boyfriend now use Scruff to communicate with each other.

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Scruff has been wonderful. I have met a lot of new friends in addition to finding my new boyfriend. This app has changed my life for the better! Paid version only allows a maximum of blocks and hides, because according to Scruff support , more than that causes app performance to degrade unacceptably. This developer needs to learn that their paying customers are their most important customers, and the customer is always right. Your feedback and suggestions are very important.
