Gran canaria playa del ingles gay beach

Club Torso is has 12 modern bungalows located around the swiiming pool area. It's a gay only resort, with an ideal location on the Campo Internacional de Maspalomas, not far from the beach, the dunes, Playa del Inglés, Meloneras and the shopping Gay Bungalows Artemisa Gay exclusive. The Gay Bungalows Artemisa become an ideal place to join the vibrant nights of Yumbo Centre but also Gay Bungalows Paso Chico Gay exclusive. Opposite to the Yumbo Center the Gay complex Men-Only Paso Chico is a little resort with 6 bungalows , pool and small gardens located only 15 minutes walking to the main beach of Playa del Ingles and 10 minutes to the famous Dunes of Maspalomas.

The Bungalows totally renovated in April offer 1 separate bedroom for 1 or 2 person, fully Los Almendros Bungalows Resort Gay exclusive. The beautiful bungalows offer a superior accommodation. Its facilities have been designed with care to ensure the enjoyment of the holiday. The Bungalows Los Almendros are strategically located in the best place of This new gay complex is located at the Campo Internacional de Maspalomas, very close to the Faro 2 Shopping Centre, the Golf Couse and only 15 minutes away to the beach and Maspalomas Dunes.

Playa del Inglés.

Atlantic Sun Beach

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Villes populaires de Gran Canaria.
